
Sourdough Tools

The software tools to help you feeding and maintaining your stiff sourdough

Last update: 27.01.2022 – Changelog.txt

If you follow me you know that I am very passionate about pizza as well as stiff sourdough. I started my journey of maintaining a natural yeast only recently, a few months back. Of course I had to face some challenges. Some of that were simple, some others more complicated. For sure the sourdough feeding and maintenance have their challenges. One of them is to make sure you have the right amount of flour and water. Both in case you are feeding only to keep your natural yeast alive or if you are preparing a focaccia, bread or pizza.

The idea of creating the sourdough tools shared on this page is coming exactly to simplify the processes behind the stiff sourdough I love. 

Every time I work with my sourdough I want to have calculators handy so that I know exactly what I need and I can focus my attention on the process I am doing. In the past I was doing everything manually before feeding the stiff sourdough. Or I was jumping from one site to another according to what was my need.

So I decided to create my own sourdough calculators. And then I decided to publish them so that everyone can use them.

You can bookmark this page (or directly the tool page) and use it whenever you need. My idea is to add also other sourdough tools in the future. I already have some drafts, just need some time to work on them.

At the moment I have two sourdough tools for you:

Let me quickly introduce them. Then you can go to the pages of each of them following the above links. You will find much more details in case you have doubts on how to use my sourdough tools.

Sourdough Feeding Calculator

A sourdough feeding calculator is one of the most useful tool in your sourdough maintenance arsenal. It will make easy and straight forward to complete the sourdough feeding process.

Use it to calculate how much flour, water and existing sourdough you need for your recipe or just to keep sourdough alive.

Don’t waste time with manual calculations. Get the flexibility to decide what feeding ratio and hydration you want at any time.
You can find it here: Sourdough Feeding Calculator

Sourdough Feeding Calculator

The sourdough life is very much affected by the temperatures. So whenever you need to feed your sourdough starter you want to make sure that the final sourdough temperature is at 26 Celsius degrees (43 °F).
The best way to get this temperature is to “manipulate” the easier ingredient: water.

The calculator is very easy to use.  You enter a few variables and you get the suggested water temperature to feed the stiff sourdough (or any other variant).

To access it I only ask you to become a registered user  of my website. It is and it will always be available for FREE. Note that subscribing to newsletter does not give you access to the calculator, you need to register a free account to the website.

You can find the calculator here: Sourdough Temperature Calculator